Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"veni vedi VICI"

I came, and I saw, and then I took it all,
wandered the streets with nothing but 2 euros and a pack of cigarettes,
got lost in my brain,
people looked at my strange,
and i laughed behind my aviators,
because I came, and I saw, and I took it all,
74 days of a blur of monumental living,
a languid variety of encounters, goodbyes, and "finding the meaning of life" moments,
so they got on their knees and prayed for it to never end,
but i shook my head in disbelief,
because I came, and I saw, and I took it all,
and when it was all "over"..
I blew a whimsical kiss to the life I knew I would have someday,
because we came, and we saw, and our greedy little finger couldn't help but take it all.

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