Tuesday, April 21, 2009

sacerd herb, praise

we tied our shoelaces to the floor, so we wouldn't float away,
we tried so hard, to solidify and remain,

closed our eyes, and digested the sun,
every fiery gulp, in our throats, laughing and crying,
we looked down, and our imaginations whispered a story...
we realized we had drifted away, about one thousand feet above the clouds,

we could feel every one billionth of a molecule,
in our skin, like a marching band,
redefining space and time,

we tied our shoelaces to the floor, so we wouldn't float away,
we tried so hard, to solidify and remain,

but our generation has been plagued with the catastrophes of a time past,
and sometimes the best cure,
is to untie your shoelaces..
close your eyes..
and drift away..

never look down.

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