Tuesday, November 10, 2009

dear unknown,

every morning STOP
wake up with pleasure STOP
because you are STOP
only as beautiful STOP
as you make yourself to be STOP

make every day STOP
count for something STOP
look forward to tomorrow STOP
or next week STOP
or next month STOP
but don't get too caught up STOP
in the future STOP

absorb the life STOP
from the beginning STOP
and end STOP
of every minute STOP

live your life STOP
the way you envision STOP
life should be lived STOP
do what you desire STOP
because the only person STOP
you have to answer to STOP
is yourself STOP

do not hesitate STOP
to try something new STOP
or act a certain way STOP
just because STOP
society may not STOP
approve STOP

live for yourself STOP
first STOP
and then for others STOP
second STOP

and please STOP
take everything STOP
for better STOP
or for worse STOP
as an experience STOP
worth being experienced STOP

because one day STOP
when you're not STOP
ready STOP
everything STOP
will just STOP

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